Shardai Moon Venus Rising Podcast with Ellie Cleary

Venus Rising Podcast – Episode 009 – Rites of Passage & the Rose Priestess Path with Shardai Moon

Join me in this conversation with soul-sister, fellow Priestess and Shaman, Shardai Moon we we explore rites of passage, the physical journeys we are called to take in our process of change, surrender and letting go on our spiritual journeys, and a deepening into the Rose Priestess Path and reclamation of the Magdalene lineage. 

Join Shardai’s FREE Feast of the Magdalene event on July 22nd 2024 here.

You can listen here or directly below or via Apple Podcasts here or on Spotify Podcasts here. Please do take a second to follow the show and leave a rating/review! Thank you.

About Shardai Moon

Shardai Magdalena Rose Moon is a Registered Nurse, Rites of Passage guide, and an International Spiritual Teacher. Shardai brings a wealth of cultured experience to her students. She invites women to travel with her to Sacred destinations to experience Rites of Passage and cultural immersions that weave together the diverse faces of women’s empowerment. 

Shardai is the founder of Rose Priestess, a virtual community of spiritual women, re-educated themselves about her-story, healing from patriarchal indoctrination, and reclaiming their authentic Feminine power, purpose, and voice as leaders for their communities.

She offers Divine Feminine counsel and healing to lovingly support  and guide those who are awakening on their path of self-growth.

She has dedicated her life in service to the regeneration of the Sacred Feminine and to the reawakening of the wild ancient one within us all. It is her deep honor to serve in your awakening.

Connect with Shardai via her website or on social media: Facebook or Instagram.

About the Venus Rising Podcast

On Venus Rising, I share personal stories, guest interviews and conversations around all aspects of healing the divine feminine, who is rising so strongly at this time, with Venus – the Goddess of Love – as our guide and initiator. 

Join me for more on feminine embodiment, transformation and deep life transitions, personal stories of growth as well as astrology & astro-cartography. 

You can listen on the player below, or please follow on Apple Podcasts here or on Spotify Podcasts here. Please do take a second to rate and leave a podcast review, and share episodes which resonate with you – this all helps to get the message out!

To our rising…
